The title of Jason Anderson’s myspace page, “Jason Anderson is Awesome,” may be intended
facetiously, but there’s some truth to it. I’d never heard of him before I found his free EP on The Plugg, but man am I glad I check that blog out regularly.

He’s played with, and counts as friends, Kimya Dawson and Tilly and the Wall, but his sound couldn’t be farther from theirs. “On The Street” is a sweaty, muscular barroom barnstomper—great lyrics, intense passion, fiery guitar solos . . . The title track, “On the Street,” is for Paul Westerberg fans. Driving rock and roll delivered in spurts of noise and volume, with clean vocals. But “July 4, 2004,” is more for Replacements fans. Grinding guitars accented with fuzz and vocals that build through the entire song, climaxing in a gravelly, hoarse shout. This track is truly awesome, and if there’s no other reason to listen to this album, this is enough. But there are other reasons. Most of the record has the ‘Mats feel to it, but I’m more than okay with that. Although, From Here to There introduces a little bit of The Boss in the mix, with a horn solo that sounds vaguely like Clarence. And the hissing, spitting catfight guitar that kicks off “This Will Never Be Our Town” is blazing hot.

Score your own copy here, for free! Note: This is a reprint from my old site--link may be dead.

Bonus cuts!

Leash (Pearl Jam cover)

Alcoholiday (teenage fanclub cover)